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Exercise 1: Clone, commit, pull, push

Getting started

Step 1: Get yourself on Github! Go to and make yourself an account, if you don't already have one.

Step 2: Click HERE and leave a comment on the issue. This will give me your username so I can add you as a collaborator on the project. This is important - because even though you can see all the code right now, you won't be able to push any of your changes until you've been added.

Setting up the git user

Before we can start using git, we have to tell it our name and email address. Weirdly, this isn't actually related to your Github account - it's just an identifier that it will put next to your commits (so your friends know who to blame when the project breaks!)

Additional resources:

- Tutorials and cheat sheets from Github: - Download and install git for your laptop or home PC: Git downloads page - GUI applications for git: - Fork - Github Desktop