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Physical Computing
Creative Coding and Creative Data
This is a wiki-shelf that contains information on how to use programming languages to create projects.
Unreal Engine
Visual Programming & Projection Mapping
Learn about the art of creating visuals, sculpting with light and other optical illusions.
Augmented Reality (AR)
360 Video
Transporter - 270 Projection Area
270 Projection Space
About the Lab
Creative Coding
Develop applications and games using programming and scripting languages such as Java, C++, C#, Swift and JavaScript for platforms including Processing, Node.js, OpenCV and Unity.
Physical Computing
Build circuits, solder and learn how to use electronic components and micro-controllers including: Arduino, Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi, Bare Conductive Touch Board, sensors, motors, NeoPixels, DMX, Bluetooth, Kinect and Leap Motion. Create interactive objec...
Unity AR
AR projects allow you to show content by pointing your camera onto an image or a 3D object that will act as an anchor point for your 2D/3D to be displayed on top of.
VR tutorials - Unity
Immerse yourself in seated and room-scale VR, AR and MR with devices such as HTC VIVE and VIVE Pro, Oculus Rift, Microsoft HoloLens, Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard. Create merged and mixed reality installations in the Lab’s open-plan project space.
Programming Tips and Tricks
Mini-tutorials explaining some common programming concepts for you to add to your arsenal
Photogrammetry Pages
This is a comprehensive guide that will guide you through the whole process of creating a 3D digital copy of a physical object.
Unreal Engine Basics
A guide to the basics of Unreal Engine, from first installation to features that can elevate your project.
Metahuman Creator
A guide to the basics of how to create Metahumans and digital copies of real people.
Python for Beginners
Version Control
Projection Mapping
Spark AR
Raspberry Pi
What is Raspberry Pi and How to use a pi for beginner.
How to create 360 video for the Igloo system
Transporter Documents
Steps to follow: 1) Read all the information in the Content Creation Guidelines (CCG). This is a document that will provide you with information about creating different kinds of content for the 270 projection space. Although the document is separated into ...
HTC VIVE Tutorials
Workshop: Introduction to Creative Coding
During this workshop we introduce programming concepts using the web based creative coding library p5.js (, which is built using JavaScript.
Workshop: Version Control for Games Design
Other workshops
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find out all about the Creative Technology Lab and how it works, and if you have more questions how to get in touch with us.
Image target AR tutorial
Mobile VR
Oculus Quest Tutorials
Lab Orientation notes
Interaction Toolkit Essentials
Creating Virtual Worlds
This is a multi-part tutorial on how to build large-scale virtual worlds in Unreal Engine. This tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge of UE.
A collection of resources which outline ways of thinking in creative computation, computer science, and associated areas.
Building to a VR headset
This series of articles will describe the process of building to VR headsets and go in-depth for building to some of the most common platforms. However, you are encouraged to conduct individual research since development can have different results on different...
Setting Up Your Environment
Intro to Projection Mapping
A general introduction to Projection Mapping
Basics of Touchdesigner
Installation and Setup
How to install and setup Spark AR for the first time.
First Look at Spark AR
What to know when opening Spark AR for the first time.
"Hello, World!" in Node.js
Introduction The first program most people write when learning a new programming language is one form or another of the infamous "Hello, World!". Preparation What you'll need to know To follow this tutorial you should be familiar with the basics of the com...
An Introduction to 2D in Unity 5
Introduction This will give you a brief introduction to starting a 2D project in Unity. Creating a project, game objects and controlling them using the Unity interface and also with C#. Preparation Install Unity You will need to have Unity downloaded and i...
What equipment is available?
Within the Creative Technology Lab we have a wide array of equipment and resources available to borrow and use during term time. This equipment is prioritised for students on stakeholder courses. Equipment can be booked from ORB or loaned from the Kit room or ...
Where to buy components
The following list is of common suppliers, other than eBay... Electronics UK Arduino boards, shields, etc... Proto-PicOffers 10% student discount SKPang #DigitalMeans Cool Components HobbyTronics Kitronik Oomlout Pimoroni Spiratronics Brigh...
Using an MPR121 capacitive touch sensor
What is the MPR121? The MPR121 is a tiny microchip formerly manufactured by NXP, now under Resurgent Semiconductor, it is a tiny surface mount device that provides 12 capacitive touch electrodes through an I2C interface. What is capacitive touch? Capacitive to...
Week 1 - Coordinates, shapes and colour
Outcomes Set up development environment Understand the principles of locating points on screen Drawing shapes Understanding additive colour and using RGB colour space Use browser-based tools for debugging and logging Animate shape or colour using variab...
Useful learning resources
Books - HTML & CSS HTML & CSS Book - A book aimed at designers introducing concepts within web development - JavaScript JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford - p5.js Make: Getting Started with p5.js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript ...
Systems in art & design
Paul Rand Another kind of definition is that design is a system of relationships between all of the aspects of the problem, which means the relationship between you and the piece of canvas, you and the eraser, you and the pen. The relationship betw...
Week 2 - Animation, conditionals & random numbers
Outcomes Understand variables and how to use them Understand functions and how to use them Using conditional statements to control code flow Using variables for animation Using random numbers Mapping values from one range to another Supporting code T...
Week 3 - Iteration, arrays, objects and pixel arrays
Outcomes Iteration using while and for loops Understand and using arrays Using loops and arrays together Understanding and using JavaScript objects Understanding how colour data is stored in pixel arrays Accessing the webcam Supporting code The code ...
Week 4 - Other inputs and APIs
Outcomes Independently researching new features of p5.js using the documentation Using inputs to control behaviour of your sketch Understanding the concept of web-based APIs and basic use In groups create a sketch that uses either at least one input (lea...
Useful learning resources
Books Getting Started With Arduino 3rd Edition by Massimo Banzi and Michael Shiloh A short and practical guide to the getting started with the Arduino platform. Explains what you might use it for, the principles behind the platform, some basic code and elect...
How to install libraries
Arduino libraries are collections of code that are designed to provide additional, reusable functionality or to simplify using external electronic modules. Libraries typically come with examples of how to use them. The library developer usually provides online...
Powering an Arduino
How to power an Arduino Here is some resources about powering Arduino or other electronic projects: General How to power an Arduino: More information here. How to power a project: More information here. What Adpater: More information here. Portable / Battery p...
Fundamentals Variables: Declaration, Assignment, Reassignment Typing: Strings, Integers/Floats, Boolean Arithmetic - + * / Conditional Logic / Control flow if else elseif boolean conditions and comparison operators == logical operators && |...
Using a Sparkfun MP3 Trigger
What is the MP3 Trigger? The MP3 trigger is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provides a way to play MP3 files from a Micro SD card via either one of 18 TRIG inputs on the board, or serial communication with the board. The MP3 Trigger has a headphone o...
Controlling an actuator with TinkerKit Mosfet
What is the TinkerKit Mosfet? The TinkerKit Mosfet is a simple module for controlling devices like motors, solenoids, LED strips and electromagnets which require higher voltages and currents than the Arduino can handle alone. Typically you might find an exampl...
Making sounds with a piezo
)# What is a piezo? 'Piezo' normally refers to an electrical component which can be used to make sound, however more broadly a piezo is a component that is susceptible to the two-way piezoelectric effect where pressing or squeezing the piezo element can create...
Using a Sparkfun Sound Detector
What is the Sound Detector? The Sound Detector is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provides a way to detect ambient sound levels. There are three connections on the board: Audio - This is the raw audio from the microphone. Envelope - This is a ana...
How to connect a push button or switch
What is are push buttons/switches? Buttons and switches are a way of opening and closing a circuit, i.e. making and breaking a connection as one of the most rudimentary forms of sensor you can use with an Arduino. There are dozens of different types of switche...