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Physical Computing

Build circuits, solder and learn how to use electronic components and micro-controllers including: Arduino, Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi, Bare Conductive Touch Board, sensors, motors, NeoPixels, DMX, Bluetooth, Kinect and Leap Motion. Create interactive objects that respond to touch, distance, movement, temperature or light.

Our electronics bench in the lab has a set of equipment for soldering electronics, please email us for an induction.

Useful learning resources

Books Getting Started With Arduino 3rd Edition by Massimo Banzi and Michael Shiloh A short and ...

Where to buy components

The following list is of common suppliers, other than eBay... Electronics UK Arduino boards, shie...


How to install libraries

Arduino libraries are collections of code that are designed to provide additional, reusable funct...

Powering an Arduino

How to power an Arduino Here is some resources about powering Arduino or other electronic project...

Using an MPR121 capacitive touch sensor

What is the MPR121? The MPR121 is a tiny microchip formerly manufactured by NXP, now under Resurg...

Using a Sparkfun MP3 Trigger

What is the MP3 Trigger? The MP3 trigger is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provides a ...

Controlling an actuator with TinkerKit Mosfet

What is the TinkerKit Mosfet? The TinkerKit Mosfet is a simple module for controlling devices lik...

Making sounds with a piezo

)# What is a piezo? 'Piezo' normally refers to an electrical component which can be used to make ...

Using a Sparkfun Sound Detector

What is the Sound Detector? The Sound Detector is a board made by Sparkfun electronics that provi...

How to send data to p5.js from Arduino

What is the Serial Communication? Serial communication is the process of sending data one bit at ...

How to connect a push button or switch

What is are push buttons/switches? Buttons and switches are a way of opening and closing a circui...

How to use a relay module

What is relay? A relay is a switch that opens or closes electrical circuits when activated by a s...

Using a HC-SR04 distance sensor

What is the HC-SR04? The HC-SR04 is a ultrasonic distance sensor, it uses ultrasound to send out ...

How to make Animation on NeoMatrix with Processing

Controlling NeoMatrix with Processing This tutorial is a follow-up to the last NeoMatrix animatio...

Using a Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED display

What is the OLED monochrome display? The OLED monochrome display is a small (tiny) and high-reada...

Connecting a Potentiometer

What is a potentiometer? A potentiometer (often abbreviated to pot) is an electronic component wi...

How to connect a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

What is an LDR? An LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is a component which restricts how much power ...

How to use a Hall Effect Sensor

What is a Hall Effect Sensor? The hall effect sensor is a type of magnetic sensor which can be us...

How to use a rotary encoder

What is a rotary encoder? A rotary encoder is a device used to measure the rotation of something...

Using the serial monitor and serial logger

What is serial communication? Serial communication is a type of communication between two device...

Using an MFRC522 RFID reader

What is an MFRC522 RFID reader RFID means radio-frequency identification. RFID uses electromagnet...

Using Arduino Leonardo to send USB MIDI data

One of the secrets of Arduino Leonardo is the in-built USB MIDI support. This is really useful f...

How to send data to Processing from Arduino

What is the Serial Communication? Serial communication is the process of sending data one bit at ...

Making a Capacitive Touch Sensor

What is Capacitive Touch Sensing? Simply put, it is the touch sensing of all conductive material ...

Using a Soil Moisture Sensor

What is a Soil Moisture Sensor? The Soil Moisture Sensor measures soil moisture grace to the chan...

Using a Force Sensor

What is a Force Sensor? The Force Sensor senses the resistance value depending on how much it has...

Using L293D IC for motors

What is L293D? The L293D is a 16-pin Motor Driver IC which can control a set of two DC motors sim...

(MAC) Automatic printing with Automator

What is Automator? Apple’s Automator is a built-in Mac feature that allows users to easily “progr...

How to use a Bare Conductive Touch Board with Arduino

What is the Bare Conductive Touch Board? The Bare Conductive Touch Board is a board made by Bare ...

How to use a PIR sensor

What is a PIR sensor? PIR stands for Passive Infra Red and therefore a PIR sensor can etect movem...

How to use a Neopixel strip

What is Neopixel? Neopixel is a name given by Adafruit. Neopixel is addressable LEDs, meaning tha...

Using a Vibration Motor

What is a vibration motor? Vibration motor is a DC motor in a compact size that is used to inform...

Making Breathing Light with LEDs

What is a LED? LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when c...

How to control Arduino without using delay()

What is a delay()? delay() is a function that pauses the program for the amount of time (in milli...

Using a TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor

What is the TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor? The TCS3472 sensor provides a digital return of red, green...

How to use DFPlayer mini to play MP3

What is a DFPlayer? The DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player For Arduino is a small and low-priced MP3 module...

How to make Animation on NeoMatrix

What is NeoMatrix? NeoMatrix is a grid lined up with mutiple Neopixel. Neopixel is addressable LE...

How to build a Simple Robot Arm with Servo Motor and Joystick

How to construct a robotic arm? A simple robotic arm is basically like a human arm which consists...

How to Program an ATtiny85 with an Arduino Uno

What is an ATtiny85? ATtiny85 is a 8-bit AVR microcontroller based on AVR enhanced RISC architect...

Using the MAX9814 mic amplifier

This Adafruit MAX9814 microphone amplifier allows you to easily detect sound.  There are a total...

How to use Grove Serial Bluetooth v3.0

What is Grove Serial Bluetooth v3.0 Grove - Serial Bluetooth is an easy-to-use module compatible ...

Machine Learning with Physical Computing - TensorFlow Lite & Arduino Nano 33

What is TensorFlow? TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. ...