Systems in art & design
Paul Rand
Another kind of definition is that design is a system of relationships between all of the aspects of the problem, which means the relationship between you and the piece of canvas, you and the eraser, you and the pen. The relationship between the elements proportions, which mean the relationship of sizes. I can go on all day. Paul Rand
 Joseph Albers |
 Joseph Albers |
Swiss Style
Linear Perspective
15th century experiments in Linear Perspective.
Sol Lewitt - Instructions for making art
In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art. Sol LeWitt
John Cage - Music of Changes and Chance
Kerry Strand - California Computer Products Inc
John Albers - The Responsive Eye (1965) & Michael Noll
an intellectual and active creative partner that, when fully exploited, could be used to produce wholly new forms and possible new aesthetic experiences
Cybernetic Serendipity - Institute of Contemporary Art (1968)
 Gordon Pasque - Colloquy of Mobiles |
- Catalogue
- Critique
Exemplary for the appeal of the great promises made early in the computer age, Cybernetic Serendipity epitomizes the dilemma much of media art faces today: its complicated relationship with the socio-economic environment, the difficulty of engaging with its own historicity and transcending mere techno-fetishism, and the all-too-familiar sense of a naïve, unbridled optimism with its inevitable pitfalls and false dawns. link
The utilization of scientific know-how, however, did not simply lead to a re-valorization of the art object and the materials that could be made of it. On the contrary, the integration of technology engendered a growing interest that went beyond a strictly object-oriented approach toward practices that focus on process, ideas and (inter-) actions. Concomitant with experiments in participation and interaction, with happenings, performances, land art and conceptual art, media art is often regarded as a conclusion of the de-materialization of the art object. link
Digital Culture by Charlie Gere
Section on Art and Cybernetics from 1950s in Europe and the US.
Project Cybersyn
The Planning Machine
Jack Burnham - System Esthetics
Art that is transactional in that they deal with underlying structures of communication and energy exchange