Installing Mamba
As you buildwork on more complex projectsPython inprojects, Python,you'll youstart willusing findsomething yourselfcalled makinglibraries. useThink of libraries.libraries Librariesas areready-made collectionssets of code built, maintained,created and (often) testedmaintained by other developersdevelopers. They're like toolkits that solve certainspecific problems or expandadd Python'snew functionality.features There'sto notPython. muchInstead use inof reinventing the wheel if someone else has already tried to do something similar to you, sowheel, it's bestmuch smarter to use libariesthese libraries when they fit your needs. The range and numner of Python libaries is one of the best selling-points of the language. However, you can.may Thefind that sometimes you'll have different projects that need different versions of the same library. That's where virtual environments come in handy. They let you set up separate "sandboxed" Python configurations that don't mess with each other.
In this tutorial, we're going to use the Mamba tool to create and manage virutal environments. Mamba is a package manager and environment manager for Python. Mamba is built on the Conda package management system, and its primary goal is to provide quicker and more efficient operations for managing packages and creating isolated environments.