Programming and the Patch Editor in Spark AR
TexturesProgramming and MaterialsPatches in Spark AR
WatchThe thisPatch videoEditor whichallows explainsyou to use visual scripting to program interaction into your AR projects.
The Patches in Spark AR have a similar functionality to the basicsnodes in Blender and Unreal Engine. They function like pre-written blocks of Materialscode that make it easier for the user to start programming without needing to know underlying programming syntax.
The following videos contain information and tutorials about the patch editor in Spark AR.
If textureyou andare materialshaving trouble with programming with Patches or have a project that requires complicated interaction, please speak to the XR technician in Spark AR are similar to textures and materials in other 3D software like Blender, Cinema4D, and Unreal Engine. If certain settings and keywords look familiar to you, they probably work in similar ways.