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Installing Unity

In this tutorial, we are going to guide you through the Unity installation process, please make sure to follow the 4 steps:

1-Downloading and installing the Unity Hub
2-Creating an account
3-Installing Unity
4-Activating a free personal license

Before we begin, there are a few things you need to be aware of:

  1. Downloading and installing the Unity Hub.
    Before clicking on the link below, please make sure that once you get to the download page, you click on the button that says "Download Unity Hub" as shown in the picture below.


    Go to the download page by clicking here

    Just follow the instructions, once you finish, continue with step 2.

  2. Creating an account.
    Once you finish installing the Unity Hub you will see a screen that gives you a chance to either login or to create an account, click on "Create account".

    Installing2022-1.jpg This will take you to an online form where you can add your personal details and create your account.

    Installing2022-2.jpg After finishing the registration process, you can go back to the Unity Hub and click "sign in", this will take you to another online form were you can log into your account.

    Installing2022-3.jpg Once you are logged in, you will get a popup window asking if you want to open the Unity HUB, Select "Open the Unity Hub", you will be sent back to the Unity Hub.


  3. Installing Unity.
    Click on the "Installs" tab and then click on the "Install Editor" button.


    We recommend installing Unity 2019.4, alternatively, you can choose Unity 2020, just be aware that your interface will look slightly different from the one shown during the workshop.

    Installing2022-6-a.jpg You will then see another screen with a list of modules you can add to the instalation, you won't need any of those for now so just Hit Install.


  4. Activating a free personal license.
    Once you finish the installation, click on the Projects tab, you will see a message stating that you don't have a valid license, we are going to activate your license now. Click on the gear icon, this will open a new window.


    Select the Licenses tab and then hit Add


    Click on the "Get a free personal license" option.


    Read and agree to the terms


    Close the window.

    Installing2022-12-a.jpg Installing2022-12-a.jpg

    And that is it. Now you are all set and the software is ready for you to create your first project.