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How to hack a brainwave EEG toy - Force Trainer II
What is a NeuroSky Brainwave? NeuroSky Brainwave is a technology that uses EEG (Electroencephalog...
(MAC) How to use Phomemo Thermal Printer M834
What is Phomemo Thermal Printer M834? Phomemo M834 thermal portable printer that can print black ...
Depth Camera for Mac Users: Setting Up the OAK-D Pro in TouchDesigner
If you've worked with TouchDesigner before you would have surely stumbled across some Kinect tuto...
Physical Computing Components List
How to borrow components from CTH? Please discuss which components you would like to use with ...
Using an PN532 RFID reader
What is the difference between an PN532 RFID reader and an MFRC522 RFID reader The PN532 and MFRC...
How to control Arduino without using delay()
What is a delay()? We have a tutorial about delay() and how to code without using it. Here we wil...
Controlling an actuator with a N-channel Mosfet
What is Mosfet? A MOSFET (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) is a type of transis...
DFRobot Sensor Testing: HX711 Weight Sensor, Voice Recorder Module Pro, Speech Synthesis Module V2
We tested a few DFRobot sensors by following their tutorials. Before you jump into using these se...
Using AVR ISP MKII to upload firmware to Arduino
What is AVR ISP MKII? The AVRISP mkII is a USB-based In-System Programmer (ISP) used to program A...
Using MatrixPortal M4 for animation
How to use MatrixPortal M4 for animation We have another tutorial for setting up the MatrixPortal...
How to use MatrixPortal M4
What is MatrixPortal M4 The MatrixPortal M4 is a development board created by Adafruit designed t...
How to use Grove Serial Bluetooth v3.0
What is Grove Serial Bluetooth v3.0 Grove - Serial Bluetooth is an easy-to-use module compatible ...
Machine Learning with Physical Computing - TensorFlow Lite & Arduino Nano 33
What is TensorFlow? TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. ...
Using a Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED display
What is the OLED monochrome display? The OLED monochrome display is a small (tiny) and high-reada...
How to use a relay module
What is relay? A relay is a switch that opens or closes electrical circuits when activated by a s...
Using the MAX9814 mic amplifier
This Adafruit MAX9814 microphone amplifier allows you to easily detect sound. There are a total...
How to use a Hall Effect Sensor
What is a Hall Effect Sensor? The hall effect sensor is a type of magnetic sensor which can be us...
How to make Animation on NeoMatrix with Processing
Controlling NeoMatrix with Processing This tutorial is a follow-up to the last NeoMatrix animatio...
How to Program an ATtiny85 with an Arduino Uno
What is an ATtiny85? ATtiny85 is a 8-bit AVR microcontroller based on AVR enhanced RISC architect...
How to send data to p5.js from Arduino
What is the Serial Communication? Serial communication is the process of sending data one bit at ...